Embarrassing Statements made by Ellen White

Submitted by friends of this web site!


Ellen White's Raw Egg Treatment!

Nov. 2023, from Lydia Sanchez, USA

Brother Anderson, please immediately contact the World Health Organization and tell them that sick people can be treated with coffee and raw eggs! Years ahead of science, right?

"Now I have not knowingly drunk a cup of genuine coffee for twenty years; only, as I stated, during my sickness—for a medicine—I drank a cup of coffee, very strong, with a raw egg broken into it." (Letter 20, 1882).

How can coffee restore health when she said "coffee benumbs the brain" and does "not nourish the system" and "contain poisons" and is "harmful, and should be discarded"? (Healthful Living, pp. 107-108) How could something so bad and evil be a medicine?

And why is the word "knowingly" in there? Can you drink coffee without knowing it?

But there is more. She also recommended a child be treated as follows:

"Have you any wine in the house? Beat up a raw egg and give it to the child with grape wine three times each day." (Letter 112a, 1897)

Just in case anyone is crazy enough to try Ellen White's Raw Egg Treatment, be warned:

According to the U.S. FDA, in 2022 in the USA, there were "79,000 cases of foodborne illness and 30 deaths caused by consumption of eggs contaminated with the bacterium Salmonella Enteritidis." "Most people infected with Salmonella develop diarrhea, fever, abdominal cramps...in some people, the diarrhea may be so severe that they need to be hospitalized. In these patients, the Salmonella infection may spread from the intestines to the blood stream, and then to other body sites and can cause death unless the person is treated quickly with antibiotics. Certain people are at greater risk for severe illness and include children, older adults, pregnant women, and people with weakened immune systems." "To prevent illness from bacteria: Keep eggs refrigerated, cook eggs until yolks are firm, and cook foods containing eggs thoroughly. ... No one should eat foods containing raw eggs." (fsis.usda.gov)

Help! Angels Using Outdated Technology!

Jun, 2021, from Tom Swift, USA

Brother Anderson, did you realize heaven is so low-tech that the sealing is performed with a nineteenth-century ink-horn?

“An angel returned from earth with a writer’s ink-horn by his side, and reported to Jesus that his work was done, that the saints were numbered and sealed."
(1 SG 197)

Can we take up an offering to get the angels the latest wireless hand-held digital tattoo machines so they can speed up the sealing?

Loud Preaching Destroys Lungs?

Feb, 2020, from Lydia Sanchez, USA

Brother Anderson, don't you think SDA pastors need to be warned about this?

...by raising their voices to a very high pitch, and hallooing and screaming out the truth. ... But this loud hallooing—what does it do? ...many who might be useful men, are using up their vital forces, and destroying their lungs and vocal organs, by the manner of their speaking.

Shouldn't the SDAs warn their preachers not to scream because it damages their lungs and uses up their vital force? Surely, this woman was "years ahead of science!"

Tea and Coffee Mark the Face? What?

Nov, 2019, from Lydia Sanchez, USA

Brother Anderson, did you know you can tell a tea-drinker by her skin appearance?

"Tea and coffee drinkers carry the marks upon their faces. The skin becomes sallow and assumes a lifeless appearance. The glow of health is not seen upon the countenance."
(EGW, 2T 65)

Someone needs to alert the health authorities immediately, because Ellen was "years ahead of science"!

Schools in cities worthless?

May, 2018, from Tom Swift, USA

Brother Anderson, Please share this "inspired" testimony immediately with SDA leaders so they can move or shut down all SDA elementary, high school, and colleges, including the following SDA universities: Adventist University of Health Sciences (Orlando, FL), Hong Kong Adventist College, La Sierra University (Riverside, CA), Loma Linda University (CA), Oakwood (Huntsville, AL), Union College (Lincoln, NE), Sahmyook University (Seoul, South Korea), Walla Walla University (WA), Washington Adventist University (Takoma Park, MD).

"Never can the proper education be given to the youth in this country, or any other country, unless they are separated a wide distance from the cities. The customs and practises in the cities unfit the minds of the youth for the entrance of truth. ... Should schools be located in the cities or within a few miles from them, it would be most difficult to counteract the influence of the former education which students have received in regard to these holidays and the practises connected with them, such as horse-racing, betting, and the offering of prizes. The very atmosphere of these cities is full of poisonous malaria."
(Special Testimonies On Education, 1897, pp. 87-88)

I wonder why Jesus and Paul didn't warn people to leave pagan cities because they would "unfit the minds" for the entrance of truth?

Only white people in Heaven?

Aug., 2009, from Robert Sanders, Truth or Fables Newsletter, USA

"You are the children of God. He has adopted you, and He desires you to form characters here that will give you entrance into the heavenly family. Remembering this, you will be able to bear the trials which you meet here. In heaven there will be no color line; for all will be as white as Christ himself. Let us thank God that we can be members of the royal family."
(The Gospel Herald, March 1, 1901, para. 20)

I know EGW made many dumb statements but this is dumber than dumb. After doing a search on EGW Estate website I found the quote to be true. I wonder how many SDAs have read this? Is God really going to change the color of your skin if you are not white?

Are youth worthless? Are Christians animals?

Mar., 2009, from Tom Swift, USA

Hey Brother Anderson, did Jesus ever say that children were "worthless"? Didn't Jesus tell them to let the children come to him, for such is the kingdom of heaven?

"A large share of the youth now living are worthless."
A Solemn Appeal (1870), p. 62

What is she talking about here, the SDA youth? The ones that later grew up to be the church's leaders?

And get this: The reason they are "worthless" is because they engage in solitary vice! You should tell people to read this book, A Solemn Appeal. I don't see how anyone can read this book and still think EGW was a prophet. No surprise they don't sell it in Adventist Book Stores!

Here's one where she says Christians are animals!

"Many professed Christians are more animal than divine. They are, in fact, about all animal."
A Solemn Appeal (1870), p. 173

Let's see now, youth are worthless, and Christians are animals. What a wonderful outlook on humanity!

Dangers of stuffing one's bra!

Jan., 2009, from Tom Swift, USA

Quick! Someone warn Adventist ladies about the terrible dangers of having padding in their bras!

"Because it is the fashion, many females place over their breasts paddings, to give the form the appearance of well-developed breasts. These appendages attract the blood to the chest, and produce a dry, irritating heat. The veins, because of unnatural heat, become contracted, and the natural circulation is obstructed. These appendages, in connection with other bad habits of dressing and eating, result in obstructing the process of nature, making a healthy development of the breasts impossible. And if these become mothers, there cannot be a natural secretion of the fluids, to have a sufficient supply of nourishment for their offspring."
The Health Reformer, Sept. 1, 1871, para. 4

How come Adventists never mention this quote when they tell us Sister White was "ahead of her time" with her health revelations?

Holidays are ruining Australia!

Jan., 2007, from Tom Swift, USA

Hey mate, the SDA Church should warn the Australian government about the dangers of its holidays!

"The many holidays have had a baleful influence upon the minds of the youth; their effect is demoralizing to the government, and they are entirely contrary to the will of God. ... These holidays, with all their train of evil, result in twentyfold more misery than good. ... Through the observance of holidays the people both of the world and of the churches have been educated to believe that these lazy days are essential to health and happiness, but the results reveal that they are full of evil, which is ruining the health and the morals, and demoralizing the country. ... But from their youth up they have been educated to the popular idea that the appointed holidays must be treated with respect and be observed. From the light that the Lord has given me, these days have no more influence for good than would the worship of heathen deities; for this is really nothing less. These days are Satan's special harvest seasons."
(MR No. 941, "Depressed Conditions in Australia and the Remedy"; Special Testimonies on Education, pp. 86, 87, 92, 93, 97)

Getting married? You may lose your soul!

Jan., 2006, via e-mail from M.G., Puerto Rico

Oh, how terribly wicked of me to think about marriage!

"There are many who are losing their souls in this age of the world, by becoming absorbed in the thoughts of marriage, and in the marriage relation itself." (Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, Sep. 25, 1888)

Satan has better success with women than men?

Sep., 2005, via e-mail from Stan, Canada

Ever wonder why there has never been a woman president of the General Conference?

"Thus Satan used an unconsecrated woman [Jezebel] to sway the heart of the king, and through the king to cause all Israel to sin. It is a terrible thing to be an instrument in the hands of Satan. Satan chooses women, for he can use them more successfully than he can men." (Manuscript Releases, vol. 10 p. 76, Ms. 29, 1911, p. 13. Released by the White Estate Washington, D. C. July 16, 1980)

Jesus never laughed?

Sep., 2005, via e-mail from Cindy, USA

No wonder they call them Sadventists!

"You sport and joke and enter into hilarity and glee. Does the Word of God sustain you in this? It does not. Christ is our example. Do you imitate the great Exemplar? Christ often wept but never was known to laugh. I do not say it is a sin to laugh on any occasion. But we cannot go astray if we imitate the divine, unerring Pattern. We are living in a sad age of this world's history." (Manuscript Releases Vol. 6, pp. 90-91)

"Many souls have been ruined" by singing!

May, 2005, via e-mail from R.S., USA

"Singing should not be allowed to divert the mind from the hours of devotion. If one must be neglected, let it be the singing. It is one of the great temptations of the present age to carry the practice of music to extremes, to make a great deal more of music than of prayer. Many souls have been ruined here. When the Spirit of God is arousing the conscience and convicting of sin, Satan suggests a singing exercise or a singing school, which, being conducted in a light and trifling manner, results in banishing seriousness, and quenching all desire for the Spirit of God. Thus the door of the heart, which was about to be opened to Jesus, is closed and barricaded with pride and stubbornness, in many cases never again to be opened.

"By the temptations attending these singing exercises, many who were once really converted to the truth have been led to separate themselves from God. They have chosen singing before prayer, attending singing schools in preference to religious meetings, until the truth no longer exerts its sanctifying power upon their souls. Such singing is an offense to God." (Review and Herald, July 24, 1883)

If you use drugs, God won't hear your prayers!

April, 2005, via e-mail from Angela Wingerman, USA

God will not answer prayers of people who take drugs. Perhaps someone should engrave Ellen G. White's warning on a plaque and post it at the entrance to the Loma Linda Medical Center, which she founded.

"Those who will gratify their appetite, and then suffer because of their intemperance, and take drugs to relieve them, may be assured that God will not interpose to save health and life which is so recklessly periled. The cause has produced the effect. Many, as their last resort, follow the directions in the word of God, and request the prayers of the elders of the church for their restoration to health. God does not see fit to answer prayers offered in behalf of such, for He knows that if they should be restored to health, they would again sacrifice it upon the altar of unhealthy appetite. (Spiritual Gifts, vol. 4, p. 145)

Mrs. White a Moslem fanatic?

Mar., 2005, via e-mail from Angela Wingerman, USA

Ellen G. White is shown in vision that women in church should cover their faces and head with a veil:

"I WAS SHOWN that the people of God should not imitate the fashions of the world. Some have done this and are fast losing the peculiar, holy character which should distinguish them as God' people. I WAS POINTED BACK TO GOD'S ANCIENT PEOPLE, and was led to compare their apparel with the mode of dress in these last days. What a difference! What a change! Then the women were not so bold as now. WHEN THEY WENT IN PUBLIC, THEY COVERED THEIR FACES WITH A VAIL. In these last days, fashions are shameful and immodest...The small bonnets, exposing the face and head, show a lack of modesty...The inhabitants are growing more and more corrupt..." (Testimonies, vol. 1, pp. 188,189)

A SIN to drink tea?

Feb., 2005, by Tom Swift, USA

Looks like if you drink tea you are going to hell!

"The practice of using liquor, tobacco, tea, and coffee must be overcome by the converting power of God. There shall nothing enter into the kingdom of God that defileth." (MR Vol. 20, p. 6)

"I beseech my brethren and sisters to lay aside their darling luxury of tea and coffee, the use of which creates an unnatural state of mind and body. 'Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments' [Rev. 3:4]. How are their garments defiled? By eating of that which brings disease and infirmity." (MR Vol. 20, p. 6)

Stop preaching to First-day Adventists!

Dec., 2004, by Tom Swift, USA

Perhaps someone needs to tell our conference evangelists to stop trying to reach the Advent Christian Church:

"The First Day Adventists are a class that are the most difficult to reach. They will generally reject the truth, as did the Jews. We should, as far as possible, go forward as though there were not such a people in existence. They are the elements of confusion. Immoralities exist among them to a fearful extent. It would be the greatest calamity to have many of their members embrace the truth." (Manuscript Releases Vol. 13, p. 346, written in 1872)

Caught in a web of lies

Oct., 2003, by Elaine Bowerman, USA

How EGW Lied!

"Although I am as dependent upon the Spirit of the Lord in writing my views as I am in receiving them, yet the words l employ in describing what I have seen are my own, unless they be those spoken to me by an angel, which I always enclose in marks of quotation" (Review and Herald, Oct. 8, 1867, quoted in Selected Messages, vol. 1, p. 37).

"When writing these precious books, if I hesitated, the very word I wanted to express the idea was given to me" (Selected Messages, vol. 3, pp. 51, 52).

"...I am glad that you are having success in selling my books...The instruction they contain is not of human production..." (EGW letter 339, 1904).

President Daniells in the 1919 Bible Conference report, page 51, referred to EGW and her plagiarism in her book Life of Paul:

"Yes, and now take that 'Life of Paul,'-- I suppose you all know about it and knew what claims were put up against her, charges made of plagiarism, by the authors of the book, Conyebeare and Howson, and were liable to make the denomination trouble because there was so much of their book put into 'The Life of Paul' without any credit or quotation marks."

[The book Life of Paul was later removed from print and no longer even appears among the list of books written by Ellen White.]

Rev. 21:8 (NIV) "But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars--their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death."

Angels speak in KJV English!

Oct. 2002, from Elaine Bowerman

Have you ever wondered why the "angel" always spoke to Ellen White in the old English language as spoken during the days of King James? How did that antiquated (yet beautiful) language, which was dropped centuries ago, suddenly reappear to her in visions?

Said the angel, "Ye have done worse than they." ... Said the angel, "List ye!" Soon I heard a voice like many musical instruments all sounding in perfect strains, sweet and harmonious. It surpassed any music I had ever heard, seeming to be full of mercy, compassion, and elevating, holy joy. It thrilled through my whole being. Said the angel, "Look ye!" Said the angel, "Look ye!" My attention was turned to the wicked, or unbelievers. (Early Writings, p. 22)

Said the angel, "Deny self; ye must step fast."

Said the angel, "Legions of evil angels are around you, and are trying to press in their awful darkness, that ye may be ensnared and taken. Ye suffer your minds to be diverted too readily from the work of preparation and the all-important truths for these last days. And ye dwell upon little trials..."

Said the angel. "Ye have been picking at straws..."

Said my accompanying angel, "Time is almost finished. Do ye reflect the lovely image of Jesus as ye should?" Then I was pointed to the earth, and saw that there would have to be a getting ready among those who have of late embraced the third angel's message. Said the angel, "Get ready, get ready, get ready. Ye will have to die a greater death to the world than ye have ever yet died." (Experience and Views, p. 52)

Said the angel, "Think ye that the Father yielded up His dearly beloved Son without a struggle?" (Early Writings, p. 151)

You can go nuts if you are a "Piano Tuner"

Courtesy of Robert Sander's Sept. 2002 Truth or Fables Newsletter

"In many cases I have advised out-of-door work for piano tuners, telling them that unless they changed their business, they would have to deal with insanity. We are made up of nerves and senses, as well as conscience and affections. All parts of the living machinery are to be wisely cared for and considerately treated. The Lord has respect for the body as well as the soul." --Letter 104, 1901.

Marital relations weaken the mind and morals?

Sep., 2001, from Elaine Bowerman

"Let the Christian wife refrain, both in word and act, from exciting the animal passions of her husband. Many have no strength at all to waste in this direction. They have already, from their youth up, weakened their brains, and sapped their constitutions, by the gratification of their animal passions. Self-denial and temperance should be the watch-word in married life; then, when children are born to parents, they will not be so liable to have the moral and intellectual organs weak, and the animal strong. Vice in children is almost universal. Is there not a cause? Who have given them the stamp of character?" (Solemn Appeal, p. 178 (1870))

Eating pork causes leprosy!

July, 2001, from Robert Sanders

"The eating of pork has produced scrofula, leprosy, and cancerous humors. Pork eating is still causing the most intense suffering to the human race." Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 393, para. 2.

Note: Pigs and animals do not ever carry leprosy, except the armadillo and sometimes rodents such as mice in their foot pads. Because pigs cannot carry leprosy they cannot transmit leprosy to humans. Have you ever heard of one case of leprosy caused by eating pork? The amount of pork eaten around the world should cause a plague of leprosy if this were true.

Scientific support that swine are not carriers of leprosy. From a letter dated 18-Feb-93: "As per our phone conversation of 15-Feb-93, swine are not a known host for Mycobacterium leprae, the cause of leprosy." W.G. Van Alstine, DVM. PhD, Veterinary Pathologist, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.

3. "Infectious agent-Mycobacterium leprae, the leprosy (Hansen's) bacillus. Other than in man it has multiplied in the footpads of mice, in the tissues of immunosuppressed rodents, and in the armadillo. 4. Reservoir- Man is the only known reservoir." Control of Communicable Diseases in Man, A. S. Benenson, pp. 175,176.

Stop having children!

June, 2001, from Ray Pitts

"The time is and has been for years, that the bringing of children into the world is more an occasion of grief than joy..... Satan controls these children, and the Lord has but little to do with them. The time has come when, in one sense, that they that have wives be as though they had none." -- MS 34, 1885

Do you believe that the Lord has but little to do with your children?
Do you believe you should be celibate?
Does having a grandchild born bring you grief?
Does having your own child born cause you grief?

Stature continually decreasing?

Apr., 2001, from Anonymous

"At the first resurrection all come forth in immortal bloom, but at the second, the marks of the curse are visible upon all. All come up as they went down into their graves. Those who lived before the flood, come forth with their giant-like stature, more than twice as tall as men now living upon the earth, and well proportioned. The generations after the flood were less in stature. There was a continual decrease through successive generations, down to the last that lived upon the earth. The contrast between the first wicked men who lived upon the earth, and those of the last generation, was very great. The first were of lofty height and well proportioned--the last came up as they went down, a dwarfed, feeble, deformed race." -- 3 Selected Messages, p. 83, paragraph 2

A continual decrease in stature? If anything, humans are increasing in stature due to improvements in diet and nutrition.

Fitted for God's work?

Sep., 2000, via e-mail from Elaine Bowerman, USA

"You think individuals have prejudiced my mind. If I am in this state, I am not fitted to be entrusted with the work of God."-- 3 Selected Messages, p. 63, Letter 16, 1893

Note: I'm glad that she said this instead of me!

Statements about Colored People

August, 2000, via e-mail from Ray Pitts, USA

As I was just reading Testimonies for the Church Vol. 9, I wondered why the White Estate had not already removed these statements from Ellen's writings the way so much other material has disappeared:

  1. "The Colored People should not urge that they be placed on an equality with White People." Testimonies Vol. 9, page 214, Paragraph 3.
  2. "We cannot expect that they ... [Colored People] will be as firm and clear in their ideas of morality." Testimonies Vol. 9, page 223 paragraph 3.
  3. "No one is capable of clearly defining the proper position of the colored people." Testimonies Vol. 9, page 213 paragraph 4.
  4. "The work of proclaiming the truth for this time is not to be hindered by an effort to adjust the position of the Negro race." Testimonies Vol. 9, page 214, paragraph 4.

A lesser light pointing to a greater light? Why would anyone need a flashlight to find the sun? The Bible and the Bible only should be our sole rule of faith and practice.

Editor's Note: To this day, there are separate black and white conferences, with their own churches, in the Southern U.S.A. In this case, it seems as if the prophetic guidance of Ellen White has hindered rather than helped the SDA church deal with racial issues in the church. Of course, a few white Adventists in the U.S.A. still believe Mrs. White said the black race is a product of amalgamation between man and beast.

Prophetic blunder on slavery

July, 2000, via e-mail from Elaine Bowerman, USA

So far, I have not found the following statement by Ellen G. White at your Web site:

"Slavery will again be revived in the Southern States; for the spirit of slavery still lives. Therefore it will not do for those who labor among the colored people to preach the truth as boldly and openly as they would be free to do in other places. Even Christ clothed His lessons in figures and parables to avoid the opposition of the Pharisees."
Spalding, Magan Collection, page 21 and 2 MR #153, page 300

Slaves and the afterlife

Mar., 2000, via e-mail

Here is a statement from Spiritual Gifts, vol. 1, p. 193 that is hard to explain:

"God cannot take the slave to heaven, who has been kept in ignorance and degradation, knowing nothing of God, or the Bible, fearing nothing but his master's lash, and not holding so elevated a position as his master' brute beasts. But He does the best thing for him that a compassionate God can do. He lets him be as though he had not been."

Editor's Comments:

Yes, that statement is difficult to explain in light of what the Bible says:

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. 2 Cor. 5:10

And I saw a great white throne...and I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God...and the dead were judged...and they were judged every man according to their works...and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. Rev. 20:11-15

Quote on insanity

Sep., 1999, via e-mail from Brazil

"I have since thought that many inmates of insane asylums were brought there by experiences similar to my own." Mind, Character, and Personality vol. 2, p. 454.

Note: Can we believe in a person who states such a thing?

Dangers of wigs

May, 1999, via e-mail:

I thought this statement was so absurd, but nothing in comparison to some of the things she had wrote about. I guess mothers all along should not be putting sock hats on their kids in the winter.

Fashion loads the heads of women with artificial braids and pads, which do not add to their beauty, but give an unnatural shape to the head. The hair is strained and forced into unnatural positions, and it is not possible for the heads of these fashionable ladies to be comfortable. The artificial hair and pads covering the base of the brain, heat and excite the spinal nerves centering in the brain. The head should ever be kept cool. The heat caused by these artificials induces the blood to the brain. The action of the blood upon the lower or animal organs of the brain, causes unnatural activity, tends to recklessness in morals, and the mind and heart is in danger of being corrupted. As the animal organs are excited and strengthened, the moral are enfeebled. The moral and intellectual powers of the mind become servants to the animal. The Health Reformer, October 1, 1871, paragraph 9

Editor's Comments:

Mrs. White's mention of the "animal organs" in the brain is a reference to the pseudo-science of phrenology. According to the "science" of phrenology, the animal organs of the brain were located in the back and lower part of the head, while organs of intellect and sentiment occupied the frontal region. Heating the back of the head brought blood to this area and supposedly stimulated the sexual passions.

Who are the 144,000?

April, 1999:

The number 144,000 represents a problem. In various of her early writings Mrs. White indicates that there will be literally 144,000 saints. (Testimonies, vol. 1, p. 59, Early Writings, p. 14, Word to the Little Flock p. 14, etc.) She declares that they would be "144,000 in number".

When the book that preceded The Great Controversy, called Spiritual Gifts, was printed in 1860, this phrase was omitted. It does not appear in any later editions of The Great Controversy. Apparently the brethren judged that it could cause a "great controversy" to say that only 144,000 would be saved, when there are many more members in the church!

Here is another issue. Mrs. White said those who were "sealed" in the 1840s, like Sister Hastings, would be resurrected and become part of the 144,000. (Selected Messages, Vol. 2, p. 263). She said Mrs. Hasting would be raised after the time of trouble. However, in 1846, she wrote about there being "living saints, 144,000, in number" before the time of trouble. (Day Star, Jan. 24, 1846) If dead people such as Mrs. Hastings (and others), who were sealed in the 1840s, are a part of the 144,000 and asleep during the time of trouble, then how could the living saints be 144,000 in number?

Causes of cancer

February, 1999, via e-mail by Mr. Moreau:

"People are continually eating flesh that is filled with tuberculous and cancerous germs. Tuberculosis, cancer, and other fatal diseases are thus communicated." The Ministry of Healing, p. 313

Has the American Cancer Society been notified of this startling revelation?

Shaving on Sabbath

November, 1998, via e-mail by Mr. M. Raedisch:

The violation of the fourth commandment is not confined to the preparation of food. Many carelessly put off blacking their boots, and shaving, until after the beginning of the Sabbath. This should not be. If any neglect to do such work on a working day, they should have respect enough for God's holy time to let their beards remain unshaven, their boots rough and brown, until the Sabbath is past. This might help their memory, and make them more careful to do their own work on the six working days. (Signs of the Times, May 25, 1882)

What [Seventh-day Adventist] pastor obeys this counsel?


July, 1998, via e-mail by Mr. E. L. Gil:

"The Lord would have His people bury political questions. On these themes silence is eloquence. Christ calls upon His followers to come into unity on the pure gospel principles which are plainly revealed in the word of God. We cannot with safety vote for political parties; for we do not know whom we are voting for. We cannot with safety take part in any political schemes... The people of God are not to vote to place such men in office; for when they do this, THEY ARE PARTAKERS WITH THEM OF THE SINS WHICH THEY COMMIT WHILE IN OFFICE." (Fundamentals of Christian Education, emphasis supplied, p. 475)

Does this mean that people who voted for [U.S. President] Clinton are partakers of the sins which he committed while in office? I am glad I voted REPUBLICAN!

World population

May, 1998, via e-mail by Mr. S. Hellerich:

"The human family was presented before me, enfeebled. Every generation has been growing weaker, and disease of every form visits the human race.... Satan's power upon the human family increases. IF THE LORD SHOULD NOT SOON COME AND DESTROY HIS POWER, THE EARTH WOULD SOON BE DEPOPULATED." E.G. White, "Testimony" #8, p.94, in Spiritual Gifts III-IV (Battle Creek: Steam Press, 1864), emphasis supplied

According to the Korea Times of 14 May 1998 the world population began the century at 1.6 billion and will hit 6 billion before the year 2000. Should the world last, population experts fear that there may be as many as 27 billion people living on the face of this planet by the year 2150. Are we facing a problem of DEPOPULATION or OVERPOPULATION? Surely knowledge has increased, as predicted by Daniel, many infectious diseases have been eliminated since Pasteur and Koch. Nutrition has, moreover, greatly improved and enabled this population explosion coupled with an increase in longevity.

Dangers of cosmetics

April, 1998, via our guestbook by Randy Miller:

"Many are ignorantly injuring their health and endangering their lives by using cosmetics.... When they become heated...the poison is absorbed by the pores of the skin, and is thrown into the blood. Many lives have been sacrificed by this means alone." Healthful Living, Page 189 - (emphasis supplied, the ellipses are supplied by the publishers).

Now the request - Please provide openly the names of the deceased and the obituary references to these many cosmetic deaths.

Editor's Note: To Mrs. White's credit, some cosmetics in the 19th century may have contained minute amounts of lead, arsenic, or mercury. Whether or not cosmetics contained a high enough concentration of these poisons to damage the health is left to the reader to decide.

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